[vlc-devel] Java Bindings proposed build patches

Filippo Carone filippo at carone.org
Sat Oct 13 18:02:15 CEST 2007

Tony Anecito ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I forgot to mention I am assuming these changes to the
> files will result in the Makefile having the changes.
> If you need to get the compile and creation of the dll
> to occur just put the changes into the Makefile under
> the bindings/java/src directory.
Hi Tony,
the Makefile and Makefile.in are generated after what is contained in 
the Makefile.am.
With the previous commit I tried to change the in the Makefile.am so 
that it can generate the expected Makefile.in and Makefile. You should 
try to regenerate the Makefiles and tell me if there are any 
improvements over the previous files.

> Also, I forgot to mention the JAVAC line in the
> Makefile under bindings/java needs to be modified
> otherwise the classfiles under org/videolan/jvlc do
> not get included in the build.
As a quick fix you may specify:
JAVAC="whatever" make

and the make system will use 'whatever' in place of the JAVAC contained 
in the Makefiles.

> Sorry about the changes not being in the svn.
> Hopefully the real JVLC experts will make the changes
> in the right source. I am not a Cygwin or make expert
> just a simple Java developer.
So am I.


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