[vlc-devel] Contribs for Windows... using gcc 4.2

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Wed Oct 24 18:39:11 CEST 2007

On Wed, Oct 24, 2007, Benjamin Sergeant wrote :
> > For qt there might be a configure flag to disable exceptions, this
> > might speed up thing and reduce code size.
> I would also try the no STL flag. STL usually increase the code size,
> and if your GUI code does not talk with any STL lib try it.
> -> give this to configure.
> -no-exceptions -no-stl
> On Linux why not playing with -reduce-relocations
> There is also -no-iconv to try. Our program at work does not need it.
> But it might be the opposite effect, with iconv support Qt might get
> rid of their internal locale transcoder, so the dll might be smaller.

Thanks for those useful infos... I think I already use -no-exceptions
but I am far from being sure.

For linux, we don't really care since we don't use static libs.


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