[vlc-devel] vlc: svn commit r21781 (funman)

Rafaël Carré funman at videolan.org
Wed Sep 5 20:58:55 CEST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jean-Baptiste Kempf a écrit :
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2007, Rafaël Carré wrote :
>> fixed, if we don't care using theme icons for some widgets (qmenubar,
>> qdockwdiget etc..)
> Ok. Then we don't really care. But I may mistake.
> Those are also icons for the default buttons, but we don't use them
> because of i18n problems.

you don't really understand i think:

qt4 follows icon naming specification:

it uses gconftool-2 to know which icon-naming-spec compliant theme _you_
want to use.

if that fails (and since [21781] that fails) a fallback theme is used
maybe "gnome" is ugly but we don't care, since the names used for these
icons are the same (standard compliant).

> Anyway, we have to decide if we do care or not. If we don't, the fix is
> cool, and we can use the dockable things. If we do, we just don't use
> QDockWidgets but are force to make ugly hacks.

use QDockWidgets.
if you don't only because of this, then why using QMenuBar ? (both
widgets make the same problem appear, i.e. QProcess::something because :

the detection of the end of the execution of gconftool-2 process failed
because we block SIGCHLD signal, because we need to deliver it to the
only thread that has to receive it, and we need only one thread
unblocking the SIGCHLD signal, because POSIX says we don't know which
thread will get the signal if more than one thread unblocked SIGCHLD
delivery and we can't deliver it to any thread because vlc.c already has
unblocked it to avoid zombie processus while executing programs.) (pfiou)

> My opinion is that QDocking the playlist would be better than doing what
> we do now, since it can help people to put their playlist on the
> left/right/under/unstacked according the way they like it.
> Also it may simplify the code and not reinvent the wheel.


>> and i don't even know if there is a look difference between user defined
>> theme & gnome default theme.
>> btw the default fallback theme in qt4 should be "hicolor" and not "gnome".
> Why that?

"gnome" is gnome-specific, not present in every case.
"hicolor" is freedesktop specific, see

> Best Regards,

You too

- --
Rafaël Carré
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