[vlc-devel] commit: Attach the sout object to libvlc ( Rafaël Carré )

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Sun Apr 20 21:43:24 CEST 2008

Le Sunday 20 April 2008 22:07:53 git version control, vous avez écrit :
> vlc | branch: master | Rafaël Carré <funman at videolan.org> | Sun Apr 20
> 21:08:35 2008 +0200| [42a0d047849f391a75432dfdf5d71523d6ec08c7]
> Attach the sout object to libvlc

This looks very wrong.

If there are multiple simultaenous inputs (VLM), sout instance should not 
interchange from one "input parent" (playlist or VLM media) to another. 
That's not conter-intuitive, illogical, and _not_ thread-safe. Hence using 
libvlc is wrong, and using the playlist was right, as far as the input was 
spawned by the playlist.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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