[vlc-devel] In vlc_object_find_name what is the parameter p_this?

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Wed Apr 23 16:28:24 CEST 2008

Le Wednesday 23 April 2008 16:19:14 jboileau, vous avez écrit :
> vlc_object_t *p_obj = vlc_object_find_name( p_this, "marq", FIND_ANYWHERE
> ); var_SetString( p_obj, "marq-marquee", "Hi!" );
> But can't figure out what p_this should be.

The object to search "from", the meaning of "from" depending on the FIND_* 
search mode.

vlc_object_find() is generally a bad idea, and vlc_object_find_name() is 
generally a terrible idea.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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