[vlc-devel] [PATCH] -- vout_subpicture deadlock issue

brezhoneg1 brezhoneg1 at yahoo.fr
Sun Dec 7 16:06:21 CET 2008

This patch corrects a bug which was made visible thanks to the following
commit :
bb0d8ab4701575 (a vlc_assert_locked( &p_sys->lock ) had been added).

the "SubFilterAllocationClean" function obviously does not hold a lock
and yet set the b_lock parameter of SpuCleanChannel to true. This was
tested in at least two situations:

- see trac item https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/2281
- setting a new media for a media_player (libvlc api) now raises this
deadlock error too.

Setting this parameter to false solves these two problems.
(Yet, are there situations where it does hold the lock?, if so, deeper
debugging work has to be done )

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