[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Added new RTP stream option, rtcp-bye, for sending RTCP Goodbye packets

Vicente Jiménez googuy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 22:22:25 CET 2008

I do this patch as a workaround to avoid RTCP Goodbye packets.

This option activate the sending of those packets.

I prefer this behaviour, because as I explain in ticket 2318
(http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/2318) at each end of input, RTP
streaming module sends a RTCP bye packet that closes the client. This
produce that streaming playlists or putting input in loop mode, closes
the client at each end of input item.

I prefer not sending RTCP bye packets as default, while we found a
better way to control the transmission of those.

Any ideas?

PATCH tested in a working enviroment.
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