[vlc-devel] Potential Plugin

Mirsal Ennaime mirsal.ennaime at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 06:37:47 CET 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 20:17 -0800, Kyle Brady wrote:
> Hi everyone,
Hello :)

> I'm putting together a "lifestream aggregator" called OneSwirl
> (http://www.oneswirl.com) [not quite open yet... potentially in the
> next 12 hours], and I want to take my creation a little further than a
> few of the recently launched competitors:  I'd like to be able to send
> say 'Kyle watched 'A Night At the Roxbury'", or something similar,
> when video files are played through VLC (user opt-in, of course).
> So, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in developing a
> plugin for VLC that will send a request to our server after about 90%
> of the file has been played?  I'd really like to collaborate with
> someone on this, and would attempt it myself if I wasn't working on
> the whole project by myself or I knew the VLC system.

It might also be a good idea to do this using VLC's DBus interface, and 
as an example, a (very) little python daemon.
As VLC implements the MPRIS, an unified DBus interfacing specification
for media players, you could use the same code to communicate with other
players that are MPRIS aware without modifying them. The cons are that
it is does currently not work under MS Windows / MacOS X

More on this here:

Feel free to e-mail me or Rafaël Carré <funman at videolan dot org> if
you need any info about that.


Mirsal Ennaime <mirsal dot ennaime at gmail dot com>
SNB Lyon
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