[vlc-devel] libvlc_media_list_path_t

Filippo Carone filippo at carone.org
Sun Mar 23 12:17:04 CET 2008

Hi Pierre,
 I'm trying to fix the current libvlc_media_list implementation, but I
need some hints.
 I'm currently not understanding the aim of the
libvlc_media_list_parentlist_at_path function, and that's because I
don't get the correct relation between the media_list and the path.

Let's sum up what I understood so far about the media_list_path_t

- it is an array of int
- it stores the position of media_descriptors contained in media_lists
- the only point libvlc_media_list->path_of_current_playing_item is
assigned a media_list_path_t value is in libvlc_media_list_player_next
(it's always NULL before)

Before continuing, are the previous statements true?


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