[vlc-devel] dpkg-buildpackage using vlc-nightlies fails on hardy x86

Christoph Welcz christoph at welcz.de
Sat May 24 19:27:38 CEST 2008

Hello everyone!

I posted an issue about a debian package of vlc-0.9x on videolan forums.
The answer suggested to ask on this mailing list!


In order to get a version of vlc-0.9x with enabled ASA/CSRI support
(which is as I believe disabled by default), I've tried to build my own
debian package of vlc-nightlies. To make sure everything is fine I did
not change anything in debian/rules and went for a initial test build.

First I downloaded and extracted

To resolve all dependencies I entered the vlc-nightlies repository into
my /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/hardy-i386/arch ./

I installed vlc via apt-get install vlc and got the dependencies by
apt-get build-dep vlc. dpkg-buildpackage reported some additional
dependencies I had to install what I did with apt-get install

Finally I entered the build directory of vlc and tried for 

fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage

Unfortunately, this failed giving me the following error message:

# Check that we did not install a plugin linked with libX11 in vlc-nox
BORKED=no; \
   for file in $(find debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc -name '*.so'); do \
     if ldd $file | grep -q libX11; then \
       BORKED=yes; \
       echo $file depends on libX11; \
     fi; \
   done; \
   if test "$BORKED" = yes; then exit 1; fi
debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so depends on libX11
make: *** [install] Fehler 1

I'm not sure if it would make sense to upload my complete build log
(approx. 2 MB?)

I've already tried to get the vlc debian build from the debian svn as
described in INSTALL, but it doesn't seem to work on ubuntu. I've also
tried unsuccessfully to find some information in the web about this
error message.

any suggestions on further steps would be appreciated!

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