[vlc-devel] For better understanding git

Son Tran son.minh.tran at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 09:49:40 CET 2008

Dear all,
My question seems not to be posted to a right place. But I don't want to ask
you the question for the pure usage of git. Just for understanding the
version of VLC.
-Recently I cloned the database from your git server. In the directory
.git/refs/tags I saw that I had the revision up to 0.9.4-rc2 in the cloned
repository. Two weeks later, I cloned again from your repository, this time
I had up to 0.9.5-rc1 (You are so serious in doing the developement : within
2 weeks there were a lot of modification :-) ). My problem is that for both
cloned repositions, if I compile / make win32-package their latest revision
in cygwin environment, I obtain apparently the same vlc-git.1.0.0. Also, if
I checkout explicitly (with command "git checkout 0.9.4") from the two
cloned repository the same revision 0.9.4, the sources seem not to be the
same. Is that possible?
-With cywin, I can compile vlc only with gcc 3.4.4. , your release  version
for windows is always compiled with gcc.4.2.1-sjlj. I can not update the gcc
in cygwin. So the only one way to update it for my compiled vlc is to
compile it in msys enviroment?
Thank you for your help
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