[vlc-devel] Greek translation

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Tue Sep 16 01:03:11 CEST 2008


Sorry for the late answer.

> I 'm a greek translator, i've made also tranlations for other  
> softwares and i' looking forward to do the same for my favorite player.

Simos Xenitellis <simos74 at gmx.net> is listed as the translator for greek
in vlc. But he hasn't sent any translations in a long time. You should
ask him if you can take over the translations or if he needs help.

> First of all i'm a mac os user and i would like to know if i could use  
> iLocalize as i've done already for my translations.

I don't know iLocalize. Vlc uses the gettext system (originally from
linux but works on mac and win also). so if ilocalize supports it ( .po
file) no problem else i will have to ask the macosx devs of vlc to
advise for a software.



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