[vlc-devel] Core Animation OpenGL Layer (MacOS X) - no video

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 10 19:45:16 CEST 2009

Hello André-John,

the Core Animation vout isn't designed to be used within VLC.app. It  
is only suited for use with VLCKit, an Objective-C framework based  
upon VLC which allows you to use VLC in external application (kind of  
similar to the way QTKit works).

So, I strongly recommend you to continue to use the OpenGL vout (which  
should be faster anyway) on Mac OS X.

It is very nice to see people trying the nightly builds and reporting  
back. So, if you notice something else (besides for a blocking  
progress-bar dialogue in some situations, which I'll fix in the next  
days), I'd be glad to hear about it.

Best regards,


Felix Paul Kühne
Co-Developer of VLC's Mac OS X port

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