[vlc-devel] ATTN: removal of website playlist parsers

David Flynn davidf+nntp at woaf.net
Fri Apr 17 00:31:52 CEST 2009

On 2009-04-16, Rémi Denis-Courmont <rem at videolan.org> wrote:
> Also, I may be wrong, but I believe that patent infringement is not a 
> criminal matter. In other words, you cannot be prosecuted for patent 
> infringement. Instead a patent holder must sue (which costs money). On 

Indeed.  So until you make your millions off the back of vlc, there is
very little chance of you being a target for patents.  (on the other
hand, someone like adobe for flash has quite alot to consider).

> the other hand, piracy is - including accessing YouTube without 
> authorization, or, under DMCA and EUCD, providing LUA scripts 
> essentially meant to access YouTube without authorization.

Someone previously mentioned totem's use of BBC material, it should be
noted that this isn't a screen scraper and does not offer the same set
of material as iplayer.


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