[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Rawaudio input demux

Jarmo Torvinen jarmo.torvinen at jutel.fi
Tue Apr 28 10:46:16 CEST 2009

Rawaudio demux plugin


This plugin allows to input raw audio files that are not wrapped into a 
container. Couple of parameters are added
to configure the raw audio input:

"rawaud-channels"       number of audio channels in the raw audio input 
"rawaud-samplerate"    Samplerate of the input audio in Hz
"rawaud-fourcc"           "fourcc"-code describing the sample format. eg. 
"rawaud-lang"              ISO639-language code for the audio. This is 
injected to the target output container if supported.

typical usage 

vlc --demux=rawaud input.raw 
vlc --demux=rawaud --rawaud-samplerate=24000 input.raw

Jarmo Torvinen

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