[vlc-devel] [NEW FEATURE] -- recorded videos and snapshots made available in GUI

brezhoneg1 brezhoneg1 at yahoo.fr
Fri Aug 14 15:41:08 CEST 2009

This new feature is intended to ease users' life by offering a simple
means to access recorded videos and snapshots directly within the vlc
GUI interface.

Basically, a new service discovery module imports recorded videos and
snapshots found in specific directories

patch1 : core

This patch modifies the core for better clarity :

 - create two dedicated default directories 
    - config_GetSnapshotDir  (mostly a rename of
    - config_GetRecordedDir

   Their location is changed to be more consistent
    - snaphots are moved from userdir into userdir/snapshot (on Linux)
    - records are moved from homedir into userdir/recorded

 - create two vlc variables at the libvlc level for signaling new
materials in real time.
    - snapshot-file (actually, a rename of existing vout-snapshottaken)
    - record-file   (new variable similar to snapshot-file)

patch2 : A new service_discovery module

   it is made of two submodules (one for recorded videos, one for

   record submodule imports items found in :
     - config_GetRecordedDir
     - input-record-path parameter if pointing to a dir path

   snapshot submodule imports items found in : 
     - config_GetSnapshotDir
     - snapshot-path parameter if pointing to a dir path

   For video, it is a simple playlist, ready to play recorded materials.

   For snapshot, ArtURL is used for the picture and a 'vlc://pause:10'
mrl is used to display the picture on the cone and in the
CoverArtLabel(s). Another solution (not implemented) could be to use the
fake demux module (maybe slightly less nice)

   Both submodules are updated in real time (callbacks on record-file
and snapshot-file).

patch3 : qt4 fixes regarding CoverArtLabel and the cone Widget

This patch fixes various issues found with CoverArtLabel and the cone
Widget while testing this new feature.

   - Preserve aspect ratio
   - Alignment set to Center
   - Remove a slot-signal connection wrongly placed in CoverArtLabel
(this is a base class used in two places). The connection is moved to a
place where it makes more sense.
   - implement displaying Art in info panel when the art is directly
accessible as a local file.

  This is a first draft. Comments welcome.

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