[vlc-devel] Query about adding support for a new codec in VLC player

Kaarlo Räihä agent_007 at luukku.com
Tue Dec 29 18:47:54 CET 2009

Ajit Deshpande kirjoitti 29.12.2009 kello 19:19:
> Hello,
>     I hope this is not the wrong forum to ask about this question.
> JPEG-XR is the latest image codec. I can also be used for video
>  compression.
> If accepted by all, what is the process to add support for this
>  codec in the
> VLC player?

Write a decoder plugin and submit it to here.

>  Does this codec have to be implemented from scratch to avoid copyright
> issues or can the reference software which the standard body(ISO)
>  provide
> can be used "as it is" ?

It doesn't have to be created from scratch. More important thing is that you can share the plugin code under GPL license because otherwise it is difficult to add that plugin to public VLC binaries/source distributions.

> thank you.
> -AD.
> Mike Ditka
>  <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mike_ditka.html>  -
> "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."

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