[vlc-devel] MacOS X and file references

Andre-John Mas ajmas at sympatico.ca
Sat May 30 19:09:18 CEST 2009

On 30-May-2009, at 13:03, Andre-John Mas wrote:

> Hi,
> I noticed a behaviour in VLC, on MacOS X, that doesn't follow the  
> standard behviour on this platform. Basically if I move a file on  
> disc that is already in the playlist, but not playing, then double- 
> clicking the file results and the file not being located. Generally,  
> from my experience, applications try to maintain a reference to the  
> file so that if the file is ever moved on the same disk it will  
> still be locatable. If you use iTunes, for example you will be able  
> to observe this behaviour, if you move an MP3 file on disk.
> From a bit of research, it turns out with Carbon you can use the  
> Alias Manager:
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Alias_Manager/Reference/reference.html
> and in Coca code you can do this:
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CarbonCocoaDoc/Articles/CarbonInCocoa.html#Using%20the%20FSRef%20Data%20Type
> the only issue with the approach in the second link, is that it  
> doesn't seem to be pure Cocoa, so it could be a breakage point in  
> Leopard if VLC is made to be 64-bit. I will ask around to find out  
> if there is a Cocoa equivalent of this functionality.

This may also be a useful API:



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