[vlc-devel] Could I duplicate/destroy a "stream out" dynamically with VLM?

Andy chenee chenee543216 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 04:10:40 CEST 2009

hi all:

Could I duplicate/destroy a "stream out" dynamically , with VLM ?

suppose I already launch a Media below,

    >new ch1 broadcast enabled
    >setup ch1 input /tmp/1.mp4
    >setup ch1 output
    >control ch1 play

if I want to duplicate the stream to Display, I re-set the ch1 output like

    >setup ch1 output

but there's nothing happend, until I stop the ch1 and replay it:

    >control ch1 stop
    >control ch1 play

is there any mechanism to support this dynamic duplicate? or I have to code
by myself ,if that, any suggestion?

HHCN Andy chenee at hhcn.com
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