[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] commit: Contribs: update libgpg-error, gcrypt and gnuTLS... ( Jean-Baptiste Kempf )

xxcv xxcv07 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 04:51:33 CEST 2010

On 19/08/2010 4:40 AM, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 02:32:42PM +1000, xxcv wrote :
>> I am not sure if this problem only affects the mingw-w64 64 bits binary.
>> AFAICT, the 64 bits binary won't start to load at all, i.e, it crashes
>> at loading modules, any modules that is linked to libgpg-error 1.9.
>> Back tracing is impossible I don't know why, and have yet to investigate
>> the problem.
>> Although libgpg-error 1.8 is ok.
>> I have my contrib binary updated to libgpg-error 1.9 to use with the
>> vlc-1.1 series, and all of the sudden this problem became to exist.
> You are totally right. Reverted back to 1.7 for now.
> Best Regards,
Follow up with the problem, I have a patch.
I'm not sure why they have this mixed up or I have misunderstood the 
code, if so, either way my patch to libgpg-error 1.9 will be correct or 
incorrect but it does stop the problem reoccurring.
Patch attached.
Therefore any code deals with the actual libgpg-error dll process 
threading will be contained (TLS).
Newly added code is for shared libraries only, since VLC win32 use 
statically linked libraries only the patch seems appropriate.

Anyone have any comments on the patch are welcome.

Best Regards,

My VLC, My Way, My Style~
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