[vlc-devel] Not able to build current git on Mac OS X 10.6

Andre-John Mas ajmas at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 9 14:36:16 CEST 2010

On 9-Jun-2010, at 06:31, Vincent Lecours wrote:

> Wow, Thanks a lot for pointing me to the VLC 1.1 branch . Too bad that 1.2 doesn't compile on a Mac.
> The fact that a Mac is 32 or 64 bit doesn't matter for compiling VLC 1.1. I was able to build 64 bit using the instructions from the wiki with the 1.1 branch.
> Thanks,
> Vincent Lecours

The future direction of the Mac version will Lunettes for the UI:


VLC will still be developed for the Mac, but only in the sense that libvlc and VLCKit will be the 
available products, since these are used by the Lunettes UI. If you can target your efforts there
it would be appreciated.


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