[vlc-devel] RE : Public API : Is there a way to access to the sound data

Hugo Beauzee-Luyssen beauze.h at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 21:01:38 CET 2010


If you're trying to access a raw buffer, i'd say smem is what you need.


Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen
Sent from an Android device

Le 27 mars 2010 20:43, "Antonin Delpeuch" <antonin at delpeuch.eu> a écrit :

Hi all,

I'm using libvlc to play a MP3 stream : it works fine, and I've been
surprised by the quality of this API. Now, I'd like to access to the stream
data (decoded sound) in real time, in order to compute some results with it.
But I didn't found any function in the documentation that would allow me to
do this : I think the API is too high level to provide this kind of

A few questions :
- Is there a way to create a new virtual audio output that would capture the
sound for me, and then register it into VLC instances in order to use it
like any other interface ?
- Can I keep a classic audio output when using such an interface ? In other
words, is it possible to play simultaneously on two interfaces ?
- Or can I use a lower level interface to VLC's features ?
- Or do you know another library or toolkit that would enable me to do all
this ?

Thanks a lot for any answer,

Antonin D.
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