[vlc-devel] streaming part of vlc

jyothi naga nagajyothi_1988 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 28 10:54:46 CEST 2010


I need some help from you. First let me explain what I want to do? Suppose I am streaming one video using vlc (streamingserver is live555), during streaming I will pause my stream for some time and will change my network connection ( wired to wireless so here my system ip will change), after the connection establishes when I replay it should start from the place I have stopped. This is what I want to do. 

To do this somehow I should be able to communicate my new ip to the server(live555). Can you please tell me which part of vlc I should modify(to add  my code) in order to support this. Please give your valuable suggestions. The vlc source code is so huge that I am not able to figure out the functionality of the modules. Awaiting your reply


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