[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Base Media Library Module files

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Mon Oct 18 08:48:32 CEST 2010

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 01:09:21AM +0530, Srikanth Raju wrote :
> +#define EXTENSIONS_AUDIO_CSV "a52", "aac", "ac3", "ape", "dts", "flac", "it", \
> +                         "m4a", "m4p", "mka", "mlp", "mod", "mp1", "mp2", "mp3",\
> +                         "oga", "ogg", "oma", "s3m", "spx" \
> +                         "wav", "wma", "wv", "xm"
> +
> +#define EXTENSIONS_VIDEO_CSV "asf", "avi", "divx", "dv", "flv", "gxf", "iso", \
> +                             "m1v", "m2v", "m2t", "m2ts", "m4v", "mkv", "mov",\
> +                             "mp2", "mp4", "mpeg", "mpeg1", \
> +                             "mpeg2", "mpeg4", "mpg", "mts", "mxf", "nuv", \
> +                             "ogg", "ogm", "ogv", "ogx", "ps", \
> +                             "rec", "rm", "rmvb", "ts", "vob", "wmv"

Why again a list of extensions?
Why in #define too?

> +    set_description( _("Media Library based on a SQL database") )
SQL or SQLite?

> +    add_string( "ml-filename", "media-library.db", NULL,
Bad name. What about VLC-media-library? Why .db?

> +    add_string( "ml-username", "", NULL,
> +            "Username for the database", "Username for the database", false )
> +    add_string( "ml-password", "", NULL,
> +            "Password for the database", "Password for the database", false )
> +    add_integer( "ml-port", 0, NULL,
> +            "Port for the database", "Port for the database", false )
Are those strings marked as translatable?

> +    /* TODO: The above is all fine as long as the DB is sqlite. */
> +    add_bool( "ml-recursive-scan", true, NULL, RECURSIVE_TEXT,
> +            RECURSIVE_LONGTEXT, false )
Why do we need that one?

> +    add_bool( "ml-auto-add", true, NULL, "Auto add new medias",
> +            "Automatically add new medias to ML", false )
idem as above (strings)

> +    /* Launching the directory monitoring thread */
> +    monitoring_thread_t *p_mon =
> +            vlc_object_create( p_ml, sizeof( monitoring_thread_t ) );
> +    if( !p_mon )
> +    {
> +        vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_ml->p_sys->lock );
> +        sql_Destroy( p_ml->p_sys->p_sql );
> +        free( p_ml->p_sys );
> +        msg_Err( p_ml, "out of memory" );
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
If you are out of memory, msg_Err will fail and you should return

> +    p_mon->p_ml = p_ml;
> +
> +    if( vlc_thread_create( p_mon, "Media Library Monitoring",
> +            RunMonitoringThread, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
> +    {
> +        msg_Err( p_ml, "cannot spawn the media library monitoring thread" );
> +        vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_ml->p_sys->lock );
> +        sql_Destroy( p_ml->p_sys->p_sql );
> +        free( p_ml->p_sys );
> +        vlc_object_release( p_mon );
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
> +    }
Common error path with above, maybe?

> +    msg_Dbg( p_ml, "module loaded" );
Please make it more specific.

> +        /* Media */
> +        IF_CMP(   "directory_id",         ML_DIRECTORY )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "cover",                ML_COVER )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "comment",              ML_COMMENT )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "preview",              ML_PREVIEW )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "duration",             ML_DURATION )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "genre",                ML_GENRE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "id",                   ML_ID )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "first_played",         ML_FIRST_PLAYED )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "last_played",          ML_LAST_PLAYED )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "played_count",         ML_PLAYED_COUNT )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "skipped_count",        ML_SKIPPED_COUNT )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "last_skipped",         ML_LAST_SKIPPED )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "import_time",          ML_IMPORT_TIME )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "score",                ML_SCORE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "title",                ML_TITLE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "original_title",       ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "track",                ML_TRACK_NUMBER )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "disc",                 ML_DISC_NUMBER )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "type",                 ML_TYPE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "uri",                  ML_URI )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "vote",                 ML_VOTE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "year",                 ML_YEAR )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "filesize",             ML_FILESIZE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "directory_id",         ML_DIRECTORY )
> +        /* Album */
> +        ELSE_CMP( "album_title",          ML_ALBUM )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "album_id",             ML_ALBUM_ID )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "album_cover",          ML_ALBUM_COVER )
> +        /* People */
> +        ELSE_CMP( "people_name",          ML_PEOPLE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "people_id",            ML_PEOPLE_ID )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "people_role",          ML_PEOPLE_ROLE )
> +        /* Extras */
> +        ELSE_CMP( "language",             ML_LANGUAGE )
> +        ELSE_CMP( "extra",                ML_EXTRA )
> +        else
> +        {
> +            msg_Warn( p_ml, "unknown column: %s", res( 0, col ) );
> +        }
Missing episode, season

> +            switch( indexes[ col ] )
> +            {
> +            case ML_ALBUM_ID:
> +                p_media->i_album_id = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_ALBUM:
> +                p_media->psz_album = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_ALBUM_COVER:
> +                /* See ML_COVER */
> +                // Discard attachment://
> +                if( !p_media->psz_cover || !*p_media->psz_cover
> +                 || !strncmp( p_media->psz_cover, "attachment://", 13 ) )
> +                {
> +                    free( p_media->psz_cover );
> +                    p_media->psz_cover = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                }
> +                break;
> +            case ML_PEOPLE:
> +                psz_append_pname = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_PEOPLE_ID:
> +                i_append_pid = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_PEOPLE_ROLE:
> +                psz_append_prole = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_COMMENT:
> +                p_media->psz_comment = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_COVER:
> +                /* See ML_ALBUM_COVER */
> +                if( !p_media->psz_cover || !*p_media->psz_cover
> +                     || !strncmp( p_media->psz_cover, "attachment://", 13 ) )
> +                {
> +                    free( p_media->psz_cover );
> +                    p_media->psz_cover = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                }
> +                break;
> +            case ML_DISC_NUMBER:
> +                p_media->i_disc_number = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_DURATION:
> +                p_media->i_duration = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_EXTRA:
> +                p_media->psz_extra = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_FILESIZE:
> +                p_media->i_filesize = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_FIRST_PLAYED:
> +                p_media->i_first_played = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_GENRE:
> +                p_media->psz_genre = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_ID:
> +                p_media->i_id = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                if( p_media->i_id <= 0 )
> +                {
> +                    msg_Warn( p_ml, "entry with id null or inferior to zero" );
> +                }
> +                break;
> +            case ML_IMPORT_TIME:
> +                p_media->i_import_time = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_LANGUAGE:
> +                p_media->psz_language = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_LAST_PLAYED:
> +                p_media->i_last_played = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_LAST_SKIPPED:
> +                p_media->i_last_skipped = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE:
> +                p_media->psz_orig_title = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_PLAYED_COUNT:
> +                p_media->i_played_count = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_PREVIEW:
> +                p_media->psz_preview = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_SCORE:
> +                p_media->i_score = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_SKIPPED_COUNT:
> +                 p_media->i_skipped_count = atoinull( res ( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_TITLE:
> +                p_media->psz_title = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_TRACK_NUMBER:
> +                p_media->i_track_number = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_TYPE:
> +                p_media->i_type = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_URI:
> +                p_media->psz_uri = strdupnull( res( row, col ) );
> +                if( !p_media->psz_uri )
> +                {
> +                    msg_Warn( p_ml, "entry without uri" );
> +                }
> +                break;
> +            case ML_VOTE:
> +                p_media->i_vote = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_YEAR:
> +                p_media->i_year = atoinull( res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            case ML_DIRECTORY:
> +                break; // The column directory_id is'nt part of the media model
> +            default:
> +                msg_Warn( p_ml, "unknown element, row %d column %d (of %d) - %s - %s",
> +                        row, col, i_cols, res( 0 , col ), res( row, col ) );
> +                break;
> +            }
Can't this ^^ be factorized?

> +int CreateEmptyDatabase( media_library_t *p_ml )
I would argue that this needs to be in a separate file.

> +int Begin( media_library_t* p_ml )

> +void Commit( media_library_t* p_ml )

> +void Rollback( media_library_t* p_ml )

> +struct media_library_sys_t
please reorder to pack it better (hint: bool at the end)

> +int GetIdOfInputItem( media_library_t *p_ml,
> +                      input_item_t *p_item );
> +int GetIdOfURI( media_library_t *p_ml,
> +                const char *psz_uri );
Too vague. What is this id?

> +int SetAlbumCover( media_library_t *p_ml,
> +                   int i_album_id,
> +                   const char *psz_cover );
SetArtCover, there are other things than albums out there...

I would argue that we are missing a few infos about video, compared to
audio here... Which is a bit ironic, compared to what VLC is. :)
But, this could be done in a second time.

Best Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
+33 672 704 734

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