[vlc-devel] [PATCH 4/4] contribs: bootstrap no longers force a -j$CPU because the dependancies are screwed up anyway.

Dominique Martinet asmadeus at codewreck.org
Mon Apr 18 05:11:24 CEST 2011

Rafaël Carré wrote on Sun, Apr 17, 2011 :
> Le Sat, 16 Apr 2011 02:23:31 +0900,
> Dependancies were correct last time I checked (admittedly some time
> ago), so bug reports are appreciated.

The problem is that I'm trying on a system with already a fair amount of
the contribs installed anyway, so compiling the contribs in a bad order
don't necessarily cause problems.. But when I help someone to compile
the contribs, I can't help but notice that 'make' sometimes fails and
just running it again "fixes" it.

I did a whole rebuild just now to check I wasn't imaginating things, bear
in mind it's with a dev-oriented system and lots of dependancies already,
so there might be other errors.. But even then gettext finds a
dependancy with iconv, but .intl doesn't depend on .iconv

Now I don't know if we won't end up depending on stuff that we don't
want/can't build for other systems, which might be another problem.. but
I'll run another compilation like that in a virtual machine without any
of the dependancies to try and find more of these.

Putting these problems aside, the number of threads should really be
left to the user to decide -- the MAKEFLAGS variable not only set a
default value, but overrides whatever the user wants; i.e. if I run
'make -j2' and the bootstrap found 8 processors so put 8 threads, the
jobserver will put 8 threads to that make anyway...
(It's easy to check temporarily moving the source files, it'll try to
download all the files at once with a big -jX and one at a time with

Best regards,
Dominique Martinet | Asmadeus

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