[vlc-devel] vlc ts stream help

Kaarlo Räihä kaarlo.raiha at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 20:58:06 CEST 2011

2011/7/2 Mehmet Kurnaz <hmehmetkurnaz at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am in a very bad situation in a project. We use vlc as TV(DVB-S) streamer
>  in a mobile system. VLC reads from receivers and streams as http stream
> libsouphttp.
> Sometimes antenna can't see satellite so there is no data. On the player
> side this is a big problem. On player, we us gstreamer. If there is no data
> for 1-2 seconds from vlc(stream server), gstreamer stops decoding on player.
> Is it possible, VLC stream dummy data (maybe blank screen that has "No
> Signal"  message) if there is no data on receivers? It is very important.

If you compose the stream with mosaic (ex. with bluescreen) you can always
keep something on output

> So thanks
> Mehmet Kurnaz
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