[vlc-devel] RTSP trickplay - libvlc_media_player_set_rate support for fast forward/rewind

Nuno Mota ee05154 at fe.up.pt
Wed Jun 1 15:29:20 CEST 2011

Well I actually thought of the input. I placed the input check before the if
condition. But didn't know it checked the rate. If the input is not launched
then return 0. Maybe not because of inconsistency but it is just another
cycle being occupied. My first try out was exactly without the rate and it
checked out! Playing from a video file I couldn't fast rewind, while playing
from a stream it worked. However there's a big problem when you set rate 0.
VLC understood a rate of -31!!! Maybe checking for a 0 value would be nice!
I saw previous Patches here in the development list with some work at this
set_rate operation but none of them are in the source code. Maybe the work
was discontinued because they found to much problems.

PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 7
User-Agent: LibVLC/1.1.9 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2010.11.17)
Session: 45231061
Scale: -31.250000

The problem you mentioned in the forum is kind of a big fail (yes i'm mundu
:). When fast rewinding the time gets stuck and then it doesn't update. If
you press play it will only start from the time you issued the
setRate(negative), and not at the time where I pressed play again. Do you
know where vlc actually updates its time?

2011/6/1 Sébastien Escudier <sebastien-devel at celeos.eu>

> Actually, I think we should just remove the "if (rate < 0.)" test from
> libvlc_media_player_set_rate
> The rate is validated at the input level, no need to check it at
> multiple places, it could lead to inconsistencies.
> Moreover, what if the input is not launched yet ? we don't know if it
> will accept negative rates.
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