[vlc-devel] GSoC 2011: linux-minidisc netmd library

Adrian Glaubitz glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jun 10 20:59:54 CEST 2011

Hi Alexander,

On Jun 8, 2011, at 2:06 AM, Alexander Sulfrian wrote:

> I now created a very little wiki page[1] and forked the git repository
> of linux-minidisc on github[2]. If you have any questions, feel free to
> contact me. You will find the necessary information on my wiki
> userpage[3].

I have put up a little more information to the wiki page you created at [1]
for your GSoC task. I will provide more there during the
weekend, so it will be clear for you what the primary tasks are
and your guidance will be as good as possible :).

As for your github repository. I suggest that you import the code from
the old libnetmd [2] into your repository as well into a different branch
if you want to base your code on that library. As we already have
discussed before, it's probably the best idea, to take the old
libnetmd and spruce it up with all the functionality from our
PythonNetMD scripts [3]. This way you won't have to reinvent
the wheel all over again :).

The NetMD functionality provided by the Python implementation is more
or less complete (lacks a few features like deleting tracks created
with SonicStage - these need to be checked in into SonicStage again
due to the DRM stuff), so it should be possible to merge both
libnetmd and PythonNetMD into a new, fully-fledged version
of libnetmd.

I also hope that Michael Karcher will help providing more background
on the NetMD protocol in the wiki as he has been our expert for
the low-level stuff.


[1] http://wiki.videolan.org/SoC_2011/LibNetMD
[2] http://sourceforge.net/projects/libnetmd/
[3] https://wiki.physik.fu-berlin.de/linux-minidisc/doku.php?id=netmdpython

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