[vlc-devel] mingw-msys building 1.2.0

Garry Keltie garry.keltie at rmit.edu.au
Mon Mar 7 02:33:51 CET 2011


>> I have a few issues now with plugin configuration (npapi-vlc) and git
>> > being called from the makefile (firewall issues make the default address
>> > unreachable and if git is a prerequisite, should it be discovered by
>> > configure?). Actually thought git was installed for msys, obviously not
>> > in the path.
> touch build-npapi
> touch build-activex

Thanks for suggestion, I tried that. In fact, reading through the 
Makefile.am, npapi.am and activex.am I can see how I was having trouble.

I did manage to build (kind of) the package-win-common rule. I had to 
manually install and build npapi and activex then comment out references 
to updating them in the .am files. If its a help, I'll describe it below.

I am suspecting that my updating of msys was not required in the end.

Files I had to play with.

These two entries caused the bootstrap to fail with msys on windows.
Adding the entries to the AC_CONFIG_FILES list above it works fine.

4421 AM_COND_IF([HAVE_WIN32], [
4422     AC_CONFIG_FILES([
4423        extras/package/win32/spad.nsi
4424        extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi
4425     ])
4426 ])

4428     AC_CONFIG_FILES([
4429        extras/package/macosx/Info.plist
4430        extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
4431     ])
4432 ])


Windows section...

685 if HAVE_WIN32
686 #include extras/package/npapi.am
687 #include extras/package/activex.am
688 endif

693 package-win-common:

several entries enforcing napapi and activex. I had tried to disable them in
configure-msys.sh and configure-common.sh but it seems like a requirement at

napapi.am (and activex.am)

The removal and git update of npapi appears to be forced even if present.
Git is installed via msysgit, not msys and lives in a different place.
Some of my venues are behind firewalls that are not they git savvy so
I would need to use a mirror using http.

5 stamp-npapi-fetch:
6	rm -Rf npapi-vlc
7	git clone git://git.videolan.org/npapi-vlc.git npapi-vlc
8	touch $@

Also, when I get the end of, what I think is the end of the make process for 
'package-win-common' the error message "Error: please remove vlc-1.2.0, 
it is on the way" pops up. It wasn't in the way when the make rule was started (manually removed). 
VLC still runs from that directory so it may be spurious that it appears at the end.

Hope this is meaningful. At least I got there in the end.


Garry Keltie

Research & Innovation
RMIT University
/ ... .... .. - /  .... .- .--. .--. . -. . -..

Garry Keltie
Research & Innovation      garry.    @rmit. .au
RMIT University                 keltie    edu
+61 3 9925 3741
/ ... .... .. - /  .... .- .--. .--. . -. . -..

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