[vlc-devel] mingw-msys building 1.2.0

Garry Keltie garry.keltie at rmit.edu.au
Mon Mar 7 12:30:43 CET 2011

Um... Red herring alert...

Sorry for the verbose confusion.

I had done a git update and was back to not being to bootstrap 
regardless of below.

Turns out that TortoiseGit/msysgit updates my system with GRLF line 
terminators. A hunch had me run dos2unix on configure.ac and viola, 
bootstraps ok again. Please ignore my AC_CONFIG_FILE issues below.



On 03/07/2011 12:33 PM, Garry Keltie wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I have a few issues now with plugin configuration (npapi-vlc) and git
>>>> being called from the makefile (firewall issues make the default address
>>>> unreachable and if git is a prerequisite, should it be discovered by
>>>> configure?). Actually thought git was installed for msys, obviously not
>>>> in the path.
>> touch build-npapi
>> touch build-activex
> Thanks for suggestion, I tried that. In fact, reading through the
> Makefile.am, npapi.am and activex.am I can see how I was having trouble.
> I did manage to build (kind of) the package-win-common rule. I had to
> manually install and build npapi and activex then comment out references
> to updating them in the .am files. If its a help, I'll describe it below.
> I am suspecting that my updating of msys was not required in the end.
> Files I had to play with.
> ############################################
> configure.ac:
> These two entries caused the bootstrap to fail with msys on windows.
> Adding the entries to the AC_CONFIG_FILES list above it works fine.
> 4421 AM_COND_IF([HAVE_WIN32], [
> 4422     AC_CONFIG_FILES([
> 4423        extras/package/win32/spad.nsi
> 4424        extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi
> 4425     ])
> 4426 ])
> 4428     AC_CONFIG_FILES([
> 4429        extras/package/macosx/Info.plist
> 4430        extras/package/macosx/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
> 4431     ])
> 4432 ])
> ############################################
> Makefile.am
> Windows section...
> 685 if HAVE_WIN32
> 686 #include extras/package/npapi.am
> 687 #include extras/package/activex.am
> 688 endif
> 693 package-win-common:
> several entries enforcing napapi and activex. I had tried to disable them in
> configure-msys.sh and configure-common.sh but it seems like a requirement at
> present.
> ############################################
> napapi.am (and activex.am)
> The removal and git update of npapi appears to be forced even if present.
> Git is installed via msysgit, not msys and lives in a different place.
> Some of my venues are behind firewalls that are not they git savvy so
> I would need to use a mirror using http.
> 5 stamp-npapi-fetch:
> 6	rm -Rf npapi-vlc
> 7	git clone git://git.videolan.org/npapi-vlc.git npapi-vlc
> 8	touch $@
> Also, when I get the end of, what I think is the end of the make process for
> 'package-win-common' the error message "Error: please remove vlc-1.2.0,
> it is on the way" pops up. It wasn't in the way when the make rule was started (manually removed).
> VLC still runs from that directory so it may be spurious that it appears at the end.
> Hope this is meaningful. At least I got there in the end.
> Regards

Garry Keltie

Research & Innovation      garry.    @rmit. .au
RMIT University                 keltie    edu
+61 3 9925 3741

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