[vlc-devel] how to add video annotation functionality to VLC

David Glaude david.glaude at gmail.com
Thu May 12 07:24:04 CEST 2011

I am no expert in HTML/Javascript of VLC javascript interface.

But, as far as I know, in VLC plugin, it is possible to use javascript
to ask the plugin what is the "time offset" in the current video.
So I suppose it is possible to write javascript that display the right
annotation at the right time.
I am not sure either that it is possible to write over the video, like
with at transparent layer that only contain your annotation.
If that is possible with plain simple HTML and CSS over other plugin,
then it should be possible with VLC too.

If this is what you want, someone on this list should be able to confirm.

David Glaude

2011/5/11 zhu shi song <zhushisongzhu at yahoo.com>:
>       I need video annotation functionality just as youtube does.   If I use VLC as media player, how can I read the annotation information from VLC inner and superpose annotation image when the video is playing?   Can I do it just using web/javascript?
>       thanks

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