[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] vlm : call var_DelCallback after input thread is joined.

Laurent Aimar fenrir at elivagar.org
Tue May 31 13:58:56 CEST 2011

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 01:21:13PM +0200, Sébastien Escudier wrote:
> vlc | branch: master | Sébastien Escudier <sebastien-devel at celeos.eu> | Wed May 25 14:16:36 2011 +0200| [04058ca6feb89a9f813f578cd9a4f45812c7361d] | committer: Sébastien Escudier
> vlm : call var_DelCallback after input thread is joined.
> This reverts vlm callback behaviour before 67b16b1b9f1babba51ca186a5a1107156f897c09
 I am sorry I failed to respond before, but: why ?
The only case you might lose events is when you abort an input, and so I
don't think it is worth it.
 If it is mandatory, then I would prefer a lot if you could simply _hold()
before calling input_Close() and then _release. I don't like the idea
of exporting such private behaviour (Join+Release).



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