[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Feature addition - Automatically pause when VLC is not the active window

sanjeev mk sanjeevmk4890 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 00:35:44 CEST 2011

This patch is a feature addition/request.
Currently, if the user minimizes VLC , video playback is auto paused and it
is resumed when the user 'un'minimizes VLC again.

The following patch (also attached) adds to the existing feature by
implementing auto pause of video when VLC Player window is not active or
does not have keyboard attention. The playback is resumed when VLC Player
becomes the active window again.

Effectively, if some other window takes up the viewer's attention (screen),
VLC is paused, and resumed when VLC gets attention again.

Thus now, video is paused in the following situations :
1. User minimizes VLC window (already existing feature)
2. User opens some other window, say Chrome or Firefox or something else
that takes up the screen and hence the user's attention.
3. User goes to another window using Alt-Tab.
4. Unexpected pop-up window appears.

Playback is resumed when VLC window becomes active again. Eg. If VLC was
previously paused when the user had opened Chrome window, playback would
resume when Chrome window is minimized/closed OR VLC window is explicitly
opened again, thus making it active.
Another example: If a pop up window appears while the user is watching a
movie, playback would auto pause. Would be resumed when user closes/handles
the pop up window or explicitly opens VLC window again.

No need for manually pausing if the user wants to open some other window or

From: Sanjeev M K <sanjeevmk4890 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 03:26:34 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] modified:   modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp
 Modified function changeEvent() of MainInterface to add the feature of auto
pausing video playback when VLC is not currently the active window or does
not have keyboard attention.

modified:   modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.hpp
Added variable b_hasPausedWhenInactive of type 'bool' to toggle play/pause
when VLC window active/inactive respectively
 modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp |   23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.hpp |    1 +
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp
index 193bf7f..1c26a03 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp
@@ -1145,6 +1145,29 @@ void MainInterface::changeEvent(QEvent *event)

+ else if( (event->type() == QEvent::ActivationChange) )
+ {
+ if( THEMIM->getIM()->playingStatus() == PLAYING_S &&
+ THEMIM->getIM()->hasVideo() &&
+ !THEMIM->getIM()->hasVisualisation() &&
+ var_InheritBool( p_intf, "qt-pause-minimized" ) )
+ {
+ b_hasPausedWhenInactive=true;
+ THEMIM->pause();
+ }
+ else if(THEMIM->getIM()->playingStatus() == PAUSE_S &&
+ THEMIM->getIM()->hasVideo() &&
+ !THEMIM->getIM()->hasVisualisation() &&
+ var_InheritBool( p_intf, "qt-pause-minimized" ) )
+ {
+ if(b_hasPausedWhenInactive)
+ {
+ b_hasPausedWhenInactive=false;
+ THEMIM->play();
+ }
+ }
+ }

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.hpp
index cfac21f..dfd0935 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.hpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.hpp
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ private:
 //    bool                 b_visualSelectorEnabled;
     bool                 b_plDocked;            ///< Is the playlist docked

+ bool b_hasPausedWhenInactive;
     bool                 b_hasPausedWhenMinimized;
     bool                 b_statusbarVisible;
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