[vlc-devel] macosx: remove some more intermediates creating when packaging and creating the dmg

Rafaël Carré rafael.carre at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 20:16:16 CET 2012

Le 2012-01-02 14:02, Felix Paul Kühne a écrit :
> Hello,
> On 02.01.2012, at 19:24, Rafaël Carré <rafael.carre at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Le 2012-01-02 07:32, Felix Paul Kühne a écrit :
>>> macosx: remove some more intermediates creating when packaging and creating the dmg
>> I don't see the point of removing intermediates,
> We share something here ;) i don't see the point in keeping them.

They could hold valuable information, if a file in package is screwed up
we can look in those dirs and find at which step screwing happened.

> Basically, the folder and the writable disk image removed by this commit are never used again ever. If the makefile user decides to redo the disk-image, the folder and the image will be removed and re-created.

We could have some proper dependencies in here and thus reuse those targets.

>> neither in
>> 0c1d889772c303da34ea305bf808bc03ad5755df
> Here's another thing:
> When changing xib files, I frequently end-up recreating the non-redistributable VLC.app, so I do "rm -rf VLC.app && make VLC.app" often multiple times per hour. This obviously doesn't lead to the desired effect of updating the xib files within the application bundle in case VLC-tmp.app is still around.

Dependencies bug.

> Since nobody ever uses VLC-tmp.app except for creating VLC.app || VLC-release.app, there is no point in keeping it either except for the sole sake of making my life more painful. And no, removing this intermediate prior to every single recreation of VLC.app is not an option for me either.

About this I'm encline to just remove that 'VLC.app' target and copy the
plugins every time.

How much time saving are we talking about by using ln -s instead of cp -R ?

We could also have the default target be the redistributable one and
have a VLC-dev.app if it's really much faster

>> IIRC we discussed this on IRC already.
> True, but back then, I didn't think of the consequences and therefore didn't argument correctly.

OK, but please next time send patches on the ML so we can discuss them

> I'll also revert mounting an intermediate disk image within the vlc build folder instead of the default-location-where-every-other-disk-image-ever-used-by-any-app gets mounted, since this just adds

> 1) more complexity to a build system which is only vaguely
understandable by outsiders and

one argument is not really more complexity

> 2) yet another stupid folder which is most of the time used for nothing.

A folder doesn't really take up much disk space, not sure what you are
trying to solve here.

> Additionally, this folder is pointless, since the AppleScript working on the disk image at this point can't make use of it anyway.

What do you mean?

Anyway you can remove it if you really wish since it doesn't solve the
problem I wanted to solve. There can still be a conflict if 2 vlc images
are mounted with the same name since the script works on disk label and
not on mount point.

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