[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Small change to let other keyboard layouts have hotkeys

Militaru Cristian cristipiticul at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 19:20:27 CET 2012

I don't think that matters. I mean, I guess vlc doesn't have its own hotkey
processing, so Qt makes the basic hotkey processing. If that key code is
returned by Qt, Qt should be able to use it as hotkey. If you mean
that qtEventToVLCKey
should return a VLC key, so in my case my patch would help, but other uses
of qtEventToVLCKey might be wrong, I guess the function could
be overridden (like "int qtEventToVLCKey( QKeyEvent *e, uint_32_t i_vlck =
0 )"). If you don't think that my patch works in this case (in the
Preferences -> Hotkey menu), then I guess we have a problem :D.

> You cannot blindly pass keys from Qt to VLC.
> You have to follow the VLC key symbols, and they are not the same at Qt's.

Thank you for your responses,

Cristian Militaru
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