[vlc-devel] iOS Build patch

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 17:12:06 CEST 2012

On 14.07.2012, at 17:01, Jörg Bleyel wrote:

> In this case, i do not understand the discussion.
> But the problem exist
> 1. I have changed the configure.ac -> not good
> 2. I have move the env settings from configure.ac to configure.sh. -> also
> not good
> I did not think that such a small adjustment in the way makes a big
> problem.
> What should i do now?

I discussed with Rémi on IRC earlier that I'll merge my patch to configure.ac (the 0001 one). For 0002, it is still subject to discussion, but that's more a political than actually a technical thing.



Felix Paul Kühne
Developer of VLC's Mac OS X port

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