[vlc-devel] No PVR video output

Grant Taylor zl1wtt at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 04:41:02 CET 2012

Hi all,

I been testing VLC 2.0.4 Twoflower today and found that I can longer stream out via my PVR device. I am using a WinTVPVR-350Mpeg2 card to provide an analog video output.

This works: cp /media/XFS/*.mpg /dev/video17   

This does not through VLC

vlc -vvv --sout-ts-pid-video=100 --sout-ts-pid-audio=101 --sout-ts-pid-pmt=102 udp://@:1234  ':sout=#file{mux=ps,dst=video17}' :sout-keep


file:///media/XFS/Videos/*.mpg ':sout=#file{mux=ps,dst=/dev/video17}' :sout-keep

But I have had no problems working with other versions of VLC 2.0.3 Twoflower and older. It would good to be able to get my media server up and running again with VLC 2.0.4 Twoflower under the new ubuntu 12.10.

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