[vlc-devel] Adding Fetching and Idle in SD

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Mon Jan 21 14:03:12 CET 2013

Le 20/01/2013 21:22, Rémi Denis-Courmont a écrit :
> Your patch does not solve that problem in any way that I can tell. There are 
> no error events.

Well it does. The goal is not to give the exact status, but to provide
feedback, whatever the completion status is.

Not being able to tell if the processing has been done is as much
confusing as waiting for a bus without a watch or adding a huge delay to
a random mouse event.

> Most SD plugins run some kind of event loop.
> They have no notion of fetching or idle state.

And most lua SD does access network.


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