[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] Contribs: fix zvbi compilation for Android

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne at videolan.org
Sun Dec 14 17:34:27 CET 2014

> On 14.12.2014, at 17:13, Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> wrote:
> On 14 Dec, Felix Paul Kühne wrote :
>> Why are you removing the HAVE_WIN32 here? This adds a build system dependency of gettext, which is not desirable when compiling for iOS.
> Because Win32 and Android patches need RECONF now.

Well, this is what I guessed from your commit. However, Darwin, Linux, BSD and OS/2 don’t.

>> Is RECONF actually needed? To succeed in compiling for iOS and OS X, UPDATE_AUTOCONFIG is absolutely sufficient.. Maybe add a ifndef HAVE_DARWIN_OS here?
> You will need RECONF for many libraries. And you cannot expect people to
> ifdef RECONF for a few systems.
> The best is to fix it once in the RECONF definition, not in every rules.mak.

I don’t see how I can fix this in the RECONF definition, since as you said, I still need RECONF for a few other libraries so “If Darwin, bail out” won’t do the trick. But maybe I fail to see the obvious.

Best regards,


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