[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Pause Spotify when video playback starts

Allan Odgaard lists+vlc at simplit.com
Fri Feb 14 13:35:40 CET 2014

On 14 Feb 2014, at 18:17, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:

> On 14 Feb, Allan Odgaard wrote :
>> This mimics the current iTunes behavior […]
> Then, please don't add an option, for this. You can reuse the old one
> and just change the text.

The explicit option was based on IRC feedback but I have now removed it. 
New patch attached.

I have updated the text to say “iTunes / Spotify” except for the 
label in simple_prefs.m since such change will require the window to be 
made wider.

Presumably localizations will need to be updated due to the changed 

I could see support for more players down the road, so it might make 
sense to introduce a more generic word, like “external music 
player”. Similarly, it might also make sense to introduce a 
distributed notification and let external music players (or helper 
daemons) act on such notification to stop/resume playback rather than 
polute the VLC code base with knowledge about external music players — 
such notification would also allow other things to happen, for example 
adjust brightness or tag a file as “watched” when playback finishes.

I btw notice that the label for the setting in the simple and advanced 
preferences window is different. In the simple we have “Control iTunes 
during playback” where the advanced use “Pause iTunes during VLC 
playback”. Don’t know if this is intentional.

>> Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute the attached 
>> patches is granted.
> Please use a OSI approved license, compatible with the GPLv2+

You can distribute my patch under whatever license you want. If you need 
me to name an explicit one, then let it be GPL v2 or later.
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