[vlc-devel] MediaPlayer().audio_set_delay() not working properly.

Tim Walker tdskywalker at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 09:01:26 CEST 2014

On 09 Oct 2014, at 08:15, Jeff Hoogland <JeffHoogland at linux.com> wrote:

> The libvlc_media_add_option() keeps giving me a segfault whenever I try to call it. For example I am running:
> vlc.libvlc_media_add_option( self.player, "--network-caching 2500")
> Where self.player is my vlc.MediaPlayer instance.

 * Add an option to the media.
 * This option will be used to determine how the media_player will
 * read the media. This allows to use VLC's advanced
 * reading/streaming options on a per-media basis.
 * \note The options are listed in 'vlc --long-help' from the command line,
 * e.g. "-sout-all". Keep in mind that available options and their semantics
 * vary across LibVLC versions and builds.
 * \warning Not all options affects libvlc_media_t objects:
 * Specifically, due to architectural issues most audio and video options,
 * such as text renderer options, have no effects on an individual media.
 * These options must be set through libvlc_new() instead.
 * \param p_md the media descriptor
 * \param psz_options the options (as a string)
LIBVLC_API void libvlc_media_add_option(
                                   libvlc_media_t *p_md,
                                   const char * psz_options );

I suspect your vlc.MediaPlayer instance is of type libvlc_media_player_t…

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