[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/1] Supporting ONVIF recording playback

David R. Robison david.robison at openroadsconsulting.com
Thu Sep 4 13:24:24 CEST 2014

Stop time helps but I still need some way to let the live555 access 
module know when to request a ntp time frame and when to request a clock 
time frame. ntp is from the beginning of the "presentation" and clock is 
from the beginning of time and includes the date and the time for the 
video to start. So its a two-fold problem. One, knowing when to send 
Range:ntp and when to send Range:clock and 2) to have a start and stop time.

I've held off working on this till we get our new boards that support 
RTSP for recorded video. Then I'll be able to work and test at the same 
time. David

David R Robison
Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
103 Watson Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320
phone: (757) 546-3401
e-mail: david.robison at openroadsconsulting.com
web: http://openroadsconsulting.com
blog: http://therobe.blogspot.com
book: http://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781597816526

On 9/3/2014 11:30 PM, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
> Le 07/08/2014 12:55, David R. Robison a écrit :
>> npt". However, I would need another function in libvlc_media_player to
>> set the stop time. I'm still unsure as to what is the best way to
>> approach this. Thoughts?
> Does --stop-time work for your case?

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