No subject

Wed Aug 5 14:32:43 CEST 2015

to iteratively read the specified sequence of images (TGA,TIF, BMPs
etc). I was wondering if it was possible to write my pf_init in such a
manner that it populates the stream, program and ES structures (i.e.
disguises a single image/frame as a single packet).<br>
This way I could utilize buffering methods directly. I think I will
also need to write a dummy 'decoder' for these 'uncoded' images (or
might be able to use an existing one by tweaking the parameters). This
will make everything fit in the VLC framework seamlessly without too
many plugins.<br>
Do you consider it as a feasible idea? If I have got to the wrong/busy
person, please feel free to forward the query to an appropriate
contact. <br>
Then I am an open source newbie, if this (playing image stacks as a
movie) could be a worthwhile enhancement to VLC (and not already done)
how do I take it further?<br>


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