[vlc-devel] Does aribb24 support brazilian portuguese?

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Wed Mar 11 01:32:59 CET 2015

Le 11/03/2015 00:39, Eric Omine a écrit :
> On the other hand, I think that extending aribb24 is the easiest way to
> have some software that can decode Brazilian closed caption, the PES
> parsing is already there. And all other solutions I've seen are for
> embedded systems and expensive.
> Maybe I'll try to extend it myself if I do find the appropriate
> documentation for the ISDB-Tb standard.

Brazilian standard is named ABNT NBR.

Might need lots of work creating tables, and as this is another etsi
'fork' instead of extending it, this might lead to collisions.


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