[vlc-devel] [PATCH 06/21] input/stream: stream-fragments: add vlc_stream_CreateFragmentMRL

Filip Roséen filip at atch.se
Mon Aug 1 12:16:41 CEST 2016

On 16/08/01 11:29, Denis Charmet wrote:
>     Nonetheless, I’d be happy to sprinkle a few asserts related to
>     arguments passed, and update the documentation to make it more
>     explicit about the pre-conditions of using this (and other introduced)
>     function(s).
> 	     * Do you think that is a suitable middle ground?
>      Well, I don't like asserts... but that's just me. So suit yourself :)

I will send a modified version of patches affected in this patch-batch with
assertions added at a later time (I am sure there are more opinions that
require changes to be made, so I'd rather have them pile up a bit and resubmit
solutions for all).

Thank you very much for the input, and as I know you like MLP:

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        src: https://mlpforums.com/topic/19236-ascii/page-3#entry1630091

        PS/ I think you'd look great in a hat like that! 
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