[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] lua: use luaL_checkint() where applicable

Filip Roséen filip at atch.se
Wed Aug 17 18:42:49 CEST 2016

On 16/08/17 19:09, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:

> Ask the resident Lua experts (all zero of them, I guess).

I would appreciate some input on this matter, so if there are any Lua
experts subscribed to `vlc-devel`: please feel free to join in.

Below is an ascii-rainbow that hopefully will attract some attention
(and lure some lua experts into the discussion):

                                 _,i,,-'' __,,...........___
                               ,;-' _.--''    ___,,......___
                             ,;'_,''   _.--'''    __,,......
                           ,;','   _.-'   _,.--'''__,,......
               .-.        //,'   ,'   _.-'_,.--'''  .-.
              ;. .;      ///  ,-'  ,-' ,-'  .-.    ;. .;
          .-"-.. ..-"`. /// ,'  ,-' ,-'    ;. ..-"-.. ..-"`.
          `. _.(_)._ .'/// /  ,' ,-'   .'"-.. .`."_.(_)._ .'
            "/.' '. " /// / ,' ,'      `. _.(_)._"/.' '. "
            ,';' ';   |||/ - ,'          " .` `.\,';' ';
            |  '-'    \oOoO '              ;` `;`|  '-'
            |         oOoOOo                `-`  |
            \        (_____)                     \
             |        )   (                       |
             `.      (_____)                      `.
    src: http://www.ascii-code.com/ascii-art/nature/rainbow.php
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