[vlc-devel] [PATCH v3 04/10] core: use refcounter helper for pictures

Romain Vimont rom1v at videolabs.io
Wed Jul 4 10:05:32 CEST 2018

On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 09:24:19AM +0300, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> Reason was provided multiple times.
> If you don't understand it, that's no excuse for bullshitting.

OK, so let's review the reason you provided as comments of patch v2 once
again, so I get a chance to understand.

> 1) This creates obvious overflow.

> There was a protection and you removed it. By definition, we can
> obviously not have more uintptr_max in-memory refs.

> In other words, there was a protection: the type was wide enough.

Maybe I missed something, but how does this explain why the refcount
type for pictures has to be wider than the refcount type used for other

Are pictures refcounted more than what an "unsigned int" may provide?

> Le 3 juillet 2018 23:17:14 GMT+03:00, Romain Vimont <rom1v at videolabs.io> a écrit :
> >No reason has been provided to keep a different type for pictures from
> >any other refcounts. It seems the difference was accidental, so the
> >types should now be made consistent.

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