[vlc-devel] [PATCH] smb: try libdsm first

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Wed Oct 16 20:47:47 CEST 2019

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019, at 20:25, RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> > I agree that SMBv1 should never be put in high priority. On the other hand,
> > we got a lot of angry custumers that are insulting us daily because of
> > that.
> With all due respect, I don't think the vlc-devel community does or should 
> care (much) about your employer's customers, angry or not. The day all your 

Thomas is talking of VLC-iOS users, that are murdering us on social networks, forum, and other means of communication.
No customers, per se.

And on iOS, SMB is even more crucial, because it's complex to get file through.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
+33 672 704 734

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