[vlc-devel] [PATCH] mp3: id3: support id3v2.4 tag for id3 chapter markers

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Thu Feb 18 18:37:09 UTC 2021

Le 11/02/2021 à 07:56, Gary Wang a écrit :

>               uint32_t i_tagname = VLC_FOURCC( p_frame[0], p_frame[1], p_frame[2], p_frame[3] );
> -            uint32_t i_framesize = ID3TAG_ReadSize( &p_frame[4], b_syncsafe ) + 10;
> +            uint32_t i_framesize = ID3TAG_ReadSize( &p_frame[4], i_ID3major == 3 ) + 10;
>               if( i_framesize > i_ID3size )

I spent few hours with hex editor trying to understand that mess and 
libid3's code did not help me on this.

Finally found by comparing all the specs(using the latest and the v2.0 
does not reveal the inconsistencies). The v3 spec does not mention 
syncsafe... so I guess that's the reason.

I'll add few more patches to your

Francois Cartegnie
VideoLAN - VLC Developer

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