[vlc-devel] vlc build problem ... recompile with -fPIC ??

Lyndon Brown jnqnfe at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 02:06:51 UTC 2022


I've been taking a break from VLC dev work for some months now, but as
I have a moment to spare, your mail and a lack of responses managed to
catch my eye, and some/most/all of the other devs will likely be taking
a short break themselves over this Christmas period, I'll jump in with
a little advice.

Firstly, as I learned the hard way myself not so long ago, it's not a
great idea to build in the root of the project directory; create a
'build' subdirectory, `cd` into it, then issue your `../bootstrap`,
`../configure` and `../make` (or `../compile`) commands from there.
You'll run into fewer issues this way, and it's also much easier to
nuke the build files and start over if you ever want/need to. However,
having already used build commands at the root, you'll want to reset
the project directory back to a fresh state first, which you could do
most easily either by deleting the entire project and re-cloning, or by
deleting everything in the project directory EXCEPT the (hidden) '.git'
folder and then opening the git tools and undoing all listed changes.

Secondly, why have you chosen to use `--enable-static`; it isn't
necessary for Linux. The main use of that, I believe, is for the
Windows build. I'm a Linux dev myself and I've never used `--enable-
static`; you might find that building simply works successfully if you
drop it. Use of this on Linux is possibly a rarely tested
configuration, thus you're more likely to run into unnoticed/unresolved

The error you've encountered looks to me like a bug in the vlc build
system. Bug reports are appreciated and should be submitted via the vlc
gitlab instance.

Good luck.

On Mon, 2022-12-26 at 12:45 -0500, Mahesh Velankar wrote:
> I am an absolute newbie to vlc.I cloned git repo and tried to build
> vlc with these steps
> 1. bootstrap
> 2. ./configure --enable-static --disable-lua --disable-xcb --
> disable-qt --disable-a52
> 3. make
> It is throwing this error in the linking step.
> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libsrt.a(srt_c_api.cpp.o): relocation
> R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol
> `_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE@@GLIBCXX_3.4' can not be used
> when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
> /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> Makefile:13024: recipe for target 'libaccess_srt_plugin.la' failed
> make[4]: *** [libaccess_srt_plugin.la] Error 1
> Please help me on how to proceed with this build
> Let me know what more details I need to provide.
> Thanks
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